Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Im a bigot too.

I am. 
I feel superior to most people. 
I tell the facts about how I feel .
I don't like the fats.

I dont hide it behind a book that says "hate the fat not the fat person" like religious people do.

This guy however does. I was in the navy and had to shower with 47 ppl at a time in one shower.
I'm not gun shy, I'm a confident person. What could it possibly hurt to have a gay athlete on your team?
Would you let this happen, my few viewers? How can one book determine what is ok and what isnt. Those books that do are called statute books. They contain laws about traffic and even marriage.

You'd definetly have a lot more fans with an openly gay athlete on any court. Lots of gay people need role models too. They have to speculate who was gay int he past to get a hero to mimic. I think Issac Newton was. He didnt mess with females at all and had a male apprentice. So says history but it also says a lot of stuff trying to trash ole Ike.

I dont understand why two females or two males cant get a marriage contract like the rest of the US population. I think that god has a lot to do with it, levidicus and all. Spell check tried to capitalize levidicus as if it deserves to be proper. Fuck that. Let everyone get married, even if its to a truck.

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