Friday, November 30, 2012

Fat Bitch

I'm shaking my head.

     "It didnt work" no fucking shit. Oh my dear fucking jesus.. I dont think that can help her. Maybe if she only ate the wafers in church. Dont blame the husband, the father. He obviously was in denial about her lack of self respect for herself for some time and got sick of it.

     Why the fuck cant she work out? Why? Someone tell me why you have to "go on a diet" to lose weight??? Its fucking math. You put in a bunch, you burn off nothing, you have a bunch left. If you put in less than you burn off you'll have nothing left. How the fuck is this hard? How!? I hate when I hear "none of them worked for me" cause it says "diet and exercise" program on all of them.

     I got no sympathy. I cant. How can I feel sorry for someone who just feels sorry for themselves all day? Thats the most selfish person on the planet right there. Fat bitch.

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